What is Myopia?
Myopia, sometimes called short-sightedness is now the most common eye condition worldwide. It occurs when the eye grows too long or the cornea is too curved. This causes the image to focus in front of the retina instead of on the retina resulting in blurred vision.
Research has shown that, along with genetics, more time spent on near work is associated with myopia. Children’s lifestyles today involve long periods looking at computer screens, gaming consoles, tablets and phones. Less time is spent outdoors where studies have shown that natural light protects the eye from lengthening.
Why is it important to slow its progression?
There is a risk of pathology such as retinal tears, holes, detachment and glaucoma with all levels of myopia. The greater the amount of myopia the greater the risk. If we can slow the myopic increase by just 1dioptre we can have a significant effect in reducing the risk of these unwanted changes.
How can we slow the progression of myopia?
With traditional glasses or contact lenses for myopia, peripheral light is focused behind the retina. We now believe that this stimulates lengthening/elongation of the eye but after years of research it has been shown that if the peripheral light is focused in front of the retina the rate of myopic progression can be slowed and reduced significantly.
When should you start treatment?
Treatment should be considered as soon as a child becomes myopic. The earlier the better.
Myopia control
What options are there for Myopia Management?
We are pleased to be able to offer 3 very different methods of Myopia Control. We will discuss the different treatments and recommend the best option for your child.
HOYA MiYOSMART is an amazing new spectacle lens proven to slow the progression of myopia on average by 60%.
MiSight is a daily disposable soft contact lens proven to help slow down myopia in children.
OrthoK overnight contact lenses
Ortho-K (EyeDream) is a groundbreaking gas permeable contact lens worn overnight that gently reshapes the front of the eye. In the morning the lenses are removed to give clear and natural vision throughout the day.
Fitting Fee
Monthly Fee
Fitting Fee
Monthly Fee
All appointments, MiYOSMART lenses as required and a frame up to the value of £150 each year, minimum 12 months
Fitting Fee
Monthly Fee
All appointments and contact lenses.
Fitting Fee
Monthly Fee
All appointments, contact lenses replaced every 6 months, 2 free replacement lenses if lost, cleaning solutions and eye drops.
Further information
If you wish your child to benefit from these exciting new Myopia Management treatments then give us a call on 01491 574091 to find out more.
You may find the following links useful where you can put in your information to discover the likelihood and degree of myopia for your child.